Our Mission: Your Success

Marilyn Klinger will discuss arbitration and mediation requirements related to traditional bonds at upcoming NASBP Virtual Seminar

SMTD Law LLP managing partner Marilyn Klinger’s NASBP virtual seminar, “How Do We Resolve the Dispute? Arbitration/Mediation and the Traditional Bond Forms" will be held Tuesday, July 11 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern/11:00 a.m. Pacific. Ms. Klinger will discuss arbitration and mediation requirements related to traditional bonds -- AIA, ConsensusDocs, EJCDC [...]

June 29th, 2023|News|

SMTD Law LLP Wraps Up Another Win

Partner Jonathan Dunn, assisted by Senior Attorney Teresa Polk, recently obtained a complete defense award at arbitration for a general contractor client in a disputed subcontractor termination and payment claim. The subcontractor claimed hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages, asserting a lien and bond claim, and alleged it was [...]

June 28th, 2023|News|

American Bar Association publishes Partner Ali Salamirad paper in their Fall 2022 Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal

SMTD Law LLP is proud to announce that the American Bar Association has published Ali Salamirad’s paper titled “Understanding Construction Scheduling – A Critical Path To Successful Claims Handling” in its Fall 2022 Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal. Mr. Salamirad wishes to thank his co-authors Jeffrey Katz, William [...]

January 26th, 2023|News|